Minggu, 19 Maret 2017


بسم ٱلله ٱلرحمن ٱلرحيم
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

  1. Do not beg, do not  ask for that so it  will 
    humiliate the religious and   humiliate yourself,  even if you're     hungry. Others are not mutually helping one     another  
  2. What do you see, see, what  you  hear, just listen,  because what you     hear and  what you see it, you do not     know the circumstances of  his     submission to God,  for Allah is     Seeing, All-  Hearing and All-     Knowing.  
  3. When there are people to ask for help to  you,   please! What is with you, who can     you give, or  with yourselves, and never  shalt thou judge yourselves alone.  QS (61) 10-13, QS (49) 15,  K (35) 29)   يأيها ٱلذين ءامنوا هل أدلكم على تجرة تنجيكم من عذاب أليم  O ye who believe! Shall I show you a commerce that can save you from a painful punishment ? (As-Saff - 10) تؤمنون بٱلله ورسوله وتجهدون فى سبيل ٱلله بأمولكم وأنفسكم ذلكم خير لكم إن كنتم تعلمون (that) you believe in Allah and His Messenger and striving in the cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives. That is better for you, if you but knew. (As-Saff - 11)  يغفر لكم ذنوبكم ويدخلكم جنت تجرى من تحتها ٱلأنهر ومسكن طيبة فى جنت عدن ذلك ٱلفوز ٱلعظيم He will forgive your sins and admit you into gardens with flowing rivers; and (put your) dwellings in Gardens of Eden. That is the supreme triumph.  (As-Saff - 12)  وأخرى تحبونها نصر من ٱلله وفتح قريب وبشر ٱلمؤمنين  And (there are more) other gifts that you like (ie) the help of Allah and a near victory (time). And give glad tidings to those who believe.  (As-Saff - 13)  إنما ٱلمؤمنون ٱلذين ءامنوا بٱلله ورسوله ثم لم يرتابوا وجهدوا بأمولهم وأنفسهم فى سبيل ٱلله أولئك هم ٱلصدقون Those who believe that only those who believe (have faith) in Allah and His Messenger, and do not hesitate doubtful and their struggle (jihad) with their wealth and their lives for the cause of Allah. They are the right people. (Al-Hujurat - 15)  إن ٱلذين يتلون كتب ٱلله وأقاموا ٱلصلوة وأنفقوا مما رزقنهم سرا وعلانية يرجون تجرة لن تبور Those who recite the Book of Allah and establish prayer and spend out of what We have bestowed on them secretly and avowedly they hope for a commerce that will never fail, (Fatir - 29)  
  4. When you're put to work,  work!    up time, do  half and half     do it and  do not judge the work  yourselves, Allah is enough for a vote.  5.Terbagi two days, the first day of  the world, the Hereafter When  coming days the world,      it is work! for the world, do not forget the Hereafter, that 'ala  prayer da'imun', the prayer of the intrinsically sustainable, meaning notjo 4.Bersatulah while deliberation use to get rid of Akwa thought and doubtful accounts. musafir-jmi Jambi City Indonesia