Senin, 06 Maret 2017

DIFFERENCE Kak'bah and Baitullah

When we look at the situation and the condition of the world lately, be so catastrophic happens, a scene, a massive demonstration, where chaos, religious sects have sprung up, it is not strange and familiar, this phenomenon is caused

understanding that we need to consider and we think again, for example, only on the issue of the Kaaba and Baltullah, many Muslims who are not able to distinguish,
 many argue that the Kaaba and Baitullah are the same, the Kaaba is the house and the house is the Kaaba , this is what we need to understand back.

Actually, the Kaaba and the house was not the same as body and spirit is not the same, Body and Spirit is not the same, as well as the Kaaba and Baitullah are not the same, that we have to relearn.

Real body can be seen with the five senses (eyes),
the body that signifies the spirit or the soul, the body as a hint of the Spirit. Real body or
rough while the spirit is invisible and very smooth, only Allah and His Messenger, who knew about the secret invisible spirit.A sign of the spirit is the body. Nor is it may be a clue to the Kaaba Baitullah ANY place blessed by Allah and His Messenger. Kaaba quadrangular building a real and visible, can be seen by the eye, which was built by Prophet Abraham as a place blessed by God's instructions.

Baitullah ITU is a magical place and is the best place for people who mulya Know Yourself Right as ourselves as a place to perform worship with Allah and His Messenger witnessed.
Baitullah was a sign of the Kaaba. and Signs of the Kaaba is the maqam ibrahim, Hijr.

God made the temple as the center of worship for all humans on the surface of the earth, the temple is the Qibla direction for all human beings, as explained in
the letter Al Maidah 97.

فيه آيات بينات مقام إبراهيم ومن دخله كان آمنا ولله على الناس حج البيت من استطاع إليه سبيلا ومن كفر فإن الله غني عن العالمين

"Allah has made the Kaaba, the shrine at the center (of worship and world affairs) for mankind, and (likewise) months Haram, had-yes, qalaid. (God made ones) thus it is that you may know that Allah knows what is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth and that Allah is Knower of all things. " (Al Maidah: 97)

While the House was a place endowed with Allah and His Messenger as a place of worship human being human hand, True God and His Messenger as explained in

 S.Ali Imran 96:

إن أول بيت وضع للناس للذي ببكة مباركا وهدى للعالمين

"Truly home initially built for the (place of worship) man, is Baitullah which Bakka, a blessed and a guidance for all mankind. "

While Baitullah was a place endowed with Allah and His Messenger as a place of worship human being human hand, True God and His Messenger as explained in

 S.Ali Imran 96:

إن أول بيت وضع للناس للذي ببكة مباركا وهدى للعالمين

house in which initially built for (spot worship) man, is Baitullah which Bakka, a blessed and a guidance for all mankind. "

Qs3 / 97

فيه آيات بينات مقام إبراهيم ومن دخله كان آمنا ولله على الناس حج البيت من استطاع إليه سبيلا ومن كفر فإن الله غني عن العالمين

"For him, there are signs that real, (among other things) the station of Abraham; whoever entered it (Baitullah) became he was safe; pilgrims is the duty of man to God, that is (for) people who can take a trip to the House. Whoever deny (hajj obligations), Allah is Rich (do not need anything) of the Worlds. "

And those who can not distinguish between the temple and the House, then rejected the one charity or peribadatannya as written in the letter

Al Anfal verse 35
وما كان صلاتهم عند البيت إلا مكاء وتصدية فذوقوا العذاب بما كنتم تكفرون
"and their worship around Baitullah, it is naught but whistling and clapping of hands. So taste the doom because ye disbelieve. "

If you know the nature
when you know ma'rifat
tiadalah that distance memperdayamu
When the pleasure of Allah and His Messenger with you forever

so are we to know the Kaaba and Baitullah it ???
 let us ask ourselves to what extent masing2 we understand the teachings of the true faith as handed down to the Saints and Anbiya ???

an account of differences in the Kaaba and Baitullah as written here you can not find the books that exist, either book a professor, and scientist syaik the other, except for a scientist or professor, has met with one among the Auliya and Anbiya. Differences Baitullah Ka'bah and as they are written here again I say there is nothing in the books and religious texts were no major book stores such as Scholastic , Reader or your city, you will not find it, you will not find in the books of Sufism there, you will not find in the books of fiqh, the books issued Tharekat great scholars. Or you try with the most advanced search engine GOOGLE of this century, the temple and the different type of Baitullah, definitely will not be there as I write, I once wrote a short summary on Shvoong.

So writing Differences Kaaba and Baitullah are known by all Auliya and Anbiya myself who dared to issue and wrote this post, with full kekhwatiran with all existing problems, the fear is misunderstood by those who read. To know the difference Kaaba and Baitullah no pesantren, no famous University, either in Indonesia or abroad, no mysticism-suluk scattered today. But rest assured, God provides guidance and grace to whom He wills and strive for it. Remember!!! Abu Jahl, Abu Lahab in Mecca rejected belief in the truth of Islam.


     --- O0 ( 0o ---

musafir-jmi Jambi City Indonesia


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