Kamis, 02 Maret 2017

Starting Know Jam'iyyatul Islamiyah

Prof Dr.Imam Suprayogo

organizations engaged in religious, named Jamiyyatul Islamiyah, has not been known before. Even has stood for a long time and is now reaching its activities in 16 provinces, even own members in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei Darus

Salam, I do not know. In East Java, the organization was not yet visible, although in fact there are already some sympathizers. As information about the organization is limited, I obtained from Prof. Arsyad Azhar, former rector of UIN Alauddin Makassar.

About two months ago, I was invited by the Rector of UIN Alauddin to fill a seminar as part of the activities commemorating the 50th anniversary of the state Islamic university located in East Indonesia. In talks on campus, I was told that the day tomorrow will also be held a seminar on Quran and science delivered by a doctor from Jakarta, named dr. Aswin H. Rose Joseph. The seminar, according to the information, to be attended by doctors, Professor of the University of Hasanuddin and also of UIN Alauddin own. I was offered to participate in this activity and will be introduced by the speaker.

Obtain explanations and views dr. Aswin Joseph H. Rose, I was immediately interested, and even told him that, what was done to him that was exactly what I have long been looking for. Many years of leading the Islamic university, I wish that the students and the graduates are able to explain the holy book the Koran and the hadith the prophet. I always imagined that, it would be wonderful if the students and graduates of Islamic universities are able to explain various issues of life comes from what is left by the Prophet Muhammad, the Koran and the Hadith of the Prophet.

I feel that, that intention was not easily achieved. For many years leading Islamic university, has not found the person I describe that ideal. Therefore, when they met a surgeon heart in Makassar, which he was able to explain things to live by referring to the Koran and the Hadith of the Prophet, I immediately said that, people who have the ability as this is exactly what I have long been looking for. I feel lucky, managed to meet with the people I mean, even if it is no longer served as head of the Islamic universities.

At a meeting in Singapore, I was given the explanation that the activities of the study of the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet referred to is under Islamic organization named Jamiyyatul Islamiyah. Understanding such activities, I expressed interest, so that by pembinanya, dr.Aswin Rose Joseph, I was offered to become an honorary member of the organization. Therefore, I am interested in the study of the activities of the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet, let alone study it has always been associated with the problems of life, including science, then the offer I received with pleasure. Thus, I feel I have become a part of people who are trying to understand and practice the holy book the Koran and living role model given by the Prophet.

Listen to the statement that I am interested in these activities, dr. Aswin Rose Yusuf told, that similar activities will be carried out in the field and will be followed by the Professors of the University of North Sumatra, Medan UIN, and also from various other universities. If there is time, I was invited to attend and reserved tickets for the return journey. I bid on it either can afford to come. Following the study of the Koran in Medan, North Sumatra, I grew convinced that the activity is very beneficial to bring the Muslims on the holy book the Koran and the Hadith of the Prophet. Therefore, I give you an appreciation of the event.Furthermore, without the suspect before, I was asked by the coach Jamiyyatul Islamiyah, dr. H.Aswin Rose Joseph, to sit as Chief Counsel at the central level. The offer I feel it an honor, then I accept it.

On that occasion, I also offered to dr. Aswin Rose Joseph deign to UIN Malang to explain the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet, as is done in Makassar and Medan. He agreed, and gave its execution time on November 17, 2015. I agree dates offered, but I feel I should let you know that, the final decision on the execution time of the activity is the Rector, my replacement. Meanwhile, he is still the pilgrims. I hear they will consult on the implementation of the study's time, the coach asked Jamiyyatul Islamiyah, which is why it must consult with the Rector all. I explained that prevailing in government agencies, all budgets for activities on campus must obtain the approval of the Rector.

Hearing these explanations, dr. Aswin Roses Yusuf inquire about the budget allocation in question. I explained that the budget for the cost of transportation, hotels and accommodation, which amount is certainly not small. Get that explanation, the coach of the Islamic organization to continue the question, namely whether the study of the Quran and Hadith can not be held on the campus. If these activities on campus, why should there be transportation costs and also hgotel. I immediately replied that, the cost of transportation, hotels and others are to dr. Aswin Rose Joseph as the speaker. My answer was responded to very touching, that it had never imagined before. He said that, coming to UIN Malang is to talk about the Koran and the Hadith of the Prophet. Therefore, in his view, should not expect to earn wages. All that is required is to be financed related presence itself.

Dr. Aswin Rose Joseph then explained that in the Quran there is a short paragraph that should be used as a handle, namely the letter Yaasin, verse 21 says: Ittabiuu mal laa yas-alukum ajraw wahum muhtaduun means: follow people who do not ask reward you, being they are the ones who get directions. Listen to the explanation that, I was really touched. In the Middle of a lot of people can not come to an invitation Majlis study the Quran and Hadith in close quarters if without any wage, and some are even precisely define the high rates, but there are still people who hold the instructions of the Quran. He did not want to be paid and even removed all funding coming from his own pocket. Indeed it is something unusual going on, but it is a very noble. Wallahu nature.(continued)

A week after attending the activities Jamiyyatul Islamiyah in Medan, I was invited on the same activity, at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. Chairman of the Board of Professors, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sunyoto invited dr. Aswin Rose Joseph, as the Pembina Jamiyyatul Islamiyah, to speak in the presence of Professor of UGM discuss the Quran and Science. At the invitation meant I was present at the event.

A total of three times following the seminar organized by religious organizations that I just knew it, the more I gain an understanding of how to understand the Quran and sayings of the Prophet which I had been looking for. At each seminar referred to, which I feel is more appropriate to call these activities with the term studies the Quran and Hadith together Dr.H. Aswin Rose Joseph, I gained a wide range of concepts and indirectly explained by reference to the Koran and sayings of the Prophet.

In the study, the coach Jamiyyatul Islamiyah, apparently deliberately not express opinions or ideas themselves.The answer to the issues discussed, by his answer indicated in the Quran or Hadith of the Prophet. Aswin Dr.H Rose Joseph, even though a doctor and never learn in school and also in college Islam, apparently with lively able to show the verses of the Quran as the answer. Feels once he has mastered the content of the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet.

Various questions sudden though, successfully answered clearly. The answers given it was typical and not infrequently a new perspective, but it feels more appropriate and reasonable. Apparently he was very careful in the opinion. Throughout answer about something that has been available in the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet, the cardiac surgeon is not an answer in others. The way it is preferable for the reason that, when he expressed his own ideas, then others will also propose ideas that might be different, and so are the other different.

Were competing ideas or opinions may be in it, but it will also become increasingly complicated to put it together.In fact, bringing together different ideas is more difficult than running the idea itself. As a result, the number of ideas or opinions that, it is feared Muslims are busy debating the idea, and not following orders, warnings, instructions of the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet. In addition, the more opinions, then Muslims will be broken to pieces caused by a number of ideas or opinions differ as intended it.

On the occasion of the study follow the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet organized by the Chairman of the Board Professor of UGM, I previously appointed as Chairman of the Advisory Board, a new-even a week, it turns out that position changed again, becoming Chairman Jamiyyatul Islamiyah. Previously, the positions were held by Prof. Dr. Arsyad Azhar, former rector of UIN Alauddin Makassar. In this religious organization, job title, it turns out there was never contested. Anyone deemed necessary or feasible lead, then the time can be appointed. The interesting thing again, provided that the appointment was made by the Trustees, the management or other members will follow.

As new people who do not understand much about Jamiyyatul Islamiyah certainly feel surprised. Soon, however, a statement that, in this organization used to do a sudden change of the board. Substitution administrators at Jamiyyatul Islamiyah did not cause turmoil, sadness, disappointment, or other. Religious organizations have developed a sincere atmosphere, patience, trust each other, all are invited to race to run kindness, keeping or caring heart, distancing themselves each of the ten bad morals, and the like. Showed a negative trait, not sincerely for example, will feel ashamed of themselves.

After his appointment as chairman Jamiyyatul Islamiyah, there was no one who congratulated. Indeed, after listening to the decision, the faces of the members of this organization, showing the atmosphere and emotion.However, the position as caretaker, even as Chairman though, apparently is not regarded as something excessive. Position has always been associated with the message. In the neighborhood Jamiyyatul Islamiyah was no social strata based on one's position within the organization. Strata truth is to be seen the extent to which someone managed to keep his heart each. The most pious person that is considered high or stratified noblest among others, and not someone who was given the mandate to lead the organization. natural wallahu

musafir-jmi Jambi City Indonesia

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