Kamis, 09 Maret 2017

VOICE of The Heart

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Peace must be implemented by each mankind wherever they may be. Before discussing about peace, however, we have to firstly understand the substance or embodiment of peace itself, and where to start; how to realize peace and what failed peace. It should actually begin with recognizing and understanding 
the “VOICE OF THE HEART” itself, so that it can thereafter be known and understood by all mankind wherever they may be.

The voice of the heart 

canbesensed/heard/distinguished by every person because God has given them the SUBSTANCE or SENSE or INDULGENCE when enhancing the creation of Mankind by way of breathing the SPIRIT into the human body.
Through the voice in their heart, every mankind can feel, identify, understand and hear the voice of the heart; which calls upon the virtues and called upon the crime. Only when these two voices of the heart can be fully comprehended by every mankind, that peace can be slowly achieved.

Why people are always in a hurry and in haste when dealing with something; either in expressing themselves through words or deeds? The voice of the heart will be the determining factor of all that.

If every human being should initiate something without observing the voice of the heart, then hasty actions will always be a controlling factor in their conduct to deal with something; which conduct will then cause various rifts starting from suspicion, doubt, not willing to be outdone, not willing to be blamed, not willing to be humiliated, which will give rise to an emotional attitude, that are no longer willing to accept the truth from anybody.

Since it all comes from the voice of the heart, if we always initiate something with a conscience to crime, no peace will ever be realized. However, if a deed is initiated based on the voice of the heart which initiates virtue, then peace will slowly be realized.

The above views are being submitted for consideration that peace will not be realized if the reason of failure to achieve peace has not been made aware and known to mankind.

Albeit the various advice and all directions given, peace still has not been realized. This is due to the fact that the advice and directions given have not touched the substance of the cause and have not been able to provide a comprehensive solution to peace itself.

Mankind or human is created by God from various nationalities without differentiating their originating country, language, village, and community, which purpose is to know each other; and not to hate or being hostile to one another.

When we contemplate, the voice of the heart which initiates crime cannot be known if God had not enhanced the human creation by breathing the SPIRIT into the human body. The Spirit is Sacred and Holy, and it has the features of: siddiq – amanah – tabligh – fathanah; IT is the Nur or the Light.

When the mouth says NO, IT will tell the truth. When the mouth lies "IT KNOWS". When we secretly feel ENVIOUS, JEALOUS, HATE to others, "IT KNOWS".

In essence, anything we say or feel which is not right, such as: being UNTRUE, LIE, HATE, to SECRETLY LOVE; IT will surely know.


IT WILL KNOW everything that is NOT TRUE.

This can be felt through the VOICE OF THE HEART.

IT can never be LIED TO.

“IT came from God” and shall “return to God”; that is the SPIRIT in each mankind.

For all humanity who cannot be distinguished from their nation and language, it is called the VOICE OF THE HEART. It is neither male nor female. The distinction between men and women, is for the HUMAN.

Therefore, through the religions taught by each of the Aulia-Ambya in each of their languages, God will discuss about mankind, especially the voice of the heart in a comprehensive manner. It is a pity that mankind views it from a subjective point, through the “Idea of Reason” that produces ideology, that impacted rifts, which further attributed to the conflicts of various sects of religions. It is mankind’s ingenuity that is prominently used to seek the truth, to participate in resolving the many features of human attitude, which gives rise to the endless debates and arguments

Human is created by God through the intermediary of a man and a woman, created in the womb of a mother, then God perfected the human creation by breathing the Spirit therein; Spiritual comes from GOD. That Spirit is called mukmin. It is neither male nor female, it is inside the heart of men and women; and is not distinguished from its nationality and language. This genesis is the same for each human being on the face of this earth. This is the reason why God commanded that mankind do good deed to other mankind, as God is good to mankind.

Based on this same source of origin, God prohibits any mankind to have bad prejudice.

Bad prejudice is a sin, do you want to consume the corpse of your own brother?

This also includes manslaughter; whereby to kill one human is the same as killing all; to hate one person is the same as hating everybody; to do good deed to one person is the same as doing good deeds to every mankind.

That is how God reminded mankind that they are one collective community.

This is why no human can choose to be born in the US, Japan, China, Saudi, Netherlands, France, England, Indonesia in general, with various nations and different languages. However, the language of the heart has no differentiation.

That is why God does not see you based on your looks or the charity that you made; but GOD will see what is inside your HEART, and the INTENT INSIDE YOUR HEART.

The intent inside the heart –  that is what is seen by God.

HUMAN BEINGS ARE ONE, has one God, in order to achieve a pleasant human life, a good life and useful life (meaningful).

Conclusion for consideration:

Let every mankind know themselves through their own voice of the heart. By controlling the voice in their heart, each mankind will be able to achieve the best in their family life, their social life, as a nation and as a citizen in their opportunity to speak-say-conduct both verbally as well as in their conduct, to please themselves as well as others. As the old sayings: “Thought is the light in your life, not thinking ruins oneself, and too much thought will perish oneself”.

Therefore, do not be too quick to say something is wrong or right, you must firstly consider the FEELING, consider it carefully. "It may well be that you hate something, but it is actually good for you; and it may well be that you like something, but it is actually bad for you; and Allah knows what you do not know”. Therefore do not act in haste, think first, what will be the advantage and the disadvantage of your actions.

Through the voice of the heart, to deliberate to reach a consensus is the highest of them all, to achieve the peace desired by mankind on the face of the earth.

This information is being conveyed to be considered, so as to achieve the truth of the real meaning

Word of God QS(3)6: "Huwal ladzi yushawwirukum fil arhaa-mi kaifa yasyaa-u laa ilaaha illaa huwal "aziizul hakim."

Meaning: “He is Who shapes you in the wombs as He wills. None has the right to be worshipped but He, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.”

Word of God QS(32)9: “Tsumma sawwahu wa nafakha fiihi mir ruuhihii wa ja’ala lakumus sam’a wal abshaara wal af idata qaliilam maa tasykuruun."

Meaning: “I perfected the creation of mankind in due proportion, and breathed into mankind the soul; and give them hearing, sight and its heart. Little is the thanks you give.”

Word of God QS(49)10: "Innamaal mu'minuuna ikhwatun fa-ashlihuu baina akhawaikum waattaquullaha la'allakum turhamuun(a)."

Meaning: The believers are nothing else than brothers. Therefore, make peace between your brothers and fear Allah, so that you may obtain mercy.

Word of God QS(49)11-12: “Ya ayyuhal ladz'iina aamanuu laa yaskhar qaumum min qaumin 'asaa ay yakuunuu khairam minhum wa laa nisaaum min nisan-in 'asas ay yakunna khairamminhunna wa laa talmizuu anfusakum wa laa tanaabazuu bil alqaabi bi'sal ismul fusuuqu ba'dal iimaani wa mal lam yatub fa ulaa-ika humuzh zhaalimuun. Yaa ayyuhal ladziina aamanuj tabibuu katsiiram minazh zhanni inna ba'dhazhzhanni itsmuw wa laa tajassasuu wa laa yaghtab ba'dhukum ba'dhan a yuhibbu ahadukum ay ya'kula lahma akhiihi maitan fa karihtumuuhu wat taqullaaha innallaaha tawwaabur rahiim.”


(11) O you who believe! Let not a group scoff at another group, it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor let (some) women scoff at other women, it may be that the latter are better than the former. Nor defame one another, nor insult one another by nicknames. The worse nicknames are names of insult after having Faith. And whosoever does not repent, then such are indeed Zalimun (wrong doers, etc.).

(12) O you who believe! Avoid much suspicion; indeed some suspicions are sins. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh/carrion of your dead brother? You would hate it. And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is the One Who forgives and accepts repentance, and Most Merciful.

Word of God QS(49)13: “Yaa ayyuhan naasu innaa khalaqnaakum min dzakariw wa untsaa wa ja’alnaakum syu’uubaw wa qabaa-ila li ta’aarafuu inna akramakum ‘indallaahi atqaakum innallaaha ‘aliimun khabiir.”

Meaning: O mankind! We have created you from a male and female, and We made you into nations and tribes, so that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you with Allah are the one who is pious amongst you. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, Well-Acquainted.

Word of God QS(21)92: "Inna hadzihii ummatukum ummataw waahidataw wa ana rabbukum fa'buduun."

Meaning: Verily, you are the one Ummah, the Ummah in between, one God, and I am your Lord, and therefore worship only Me.”

Word of God QS(23)52: "Wa inna haadzihii ummatukum ummataw waahidataw wa ana rabbukum fat taquun."

Meaning: “And verily, you are the one Ummah, only one Lord, and therefore fear only Me.”

Where to worship and devote to Allah in its essence?

Word of God QS(27)91: "Innama umirtu an a'buda Rabba haa dzihil baldatil ladzi harramahaa wa lahuu kullu syai-iw wa umirtu an akuuna minal muslimin."

Meaning: I have been commanded only to worship the Lord in this honored place, that is BAITULLAH and I am commanded to be from among the Muslims.

How is it done?

By observing SHALAT.

Word of God QS (2)125: "Wa idz ja'alnal Baita matsaabatal lin naasi wa annaw wat takhidzu mim maqaami Ibraahiima mushallaw wa 'ahidnaa ilaa Ibraahiima wa Ismaa'iila an thahhiraa Baitiya lith thaa-ifiina wal'akiifiina warrukka"is sujuud."

Meaning: And (remember) when We made the House (Baitullah), a place of resort for mankind and sanctuary. And take the Baitullah as a place for worship. And we have imposed a duty upon Abraham and Ishmael: Purify My House for those who go around (tawaf) and those who meditate therein (I’tikaf) and those who bow down (rukuk) and prostrate (sujud) themselves in worship.

What are the requirements?

Word of God QS 24(56): "Wa aqimush shalata wa aatuz zakata wa athii-ur Rasuula la'alaikum turhamuun."

Meaning: “Perform Shalat, give Zakat, and obey the Messenger so that you may receive mercy from Allah”.

What if shalat is NOT done in BAITULLAH in nature?

Word of God QS(8)35: "Wa maa kaana shalaatuhum 'indal Baiti illaa mukaa-aw wa tashdiyatan fa dzuuqul 'adzabaa bi maa kuntum takfuruun."

Meaning: Their Shalat at Baitullah was nothing but only whistling and clapping of the hands, or just fooling around; taste the punishment because they are the disbelievers.

That is Allah’s way of taking care of the SPIRIT of all mankind in Islam.

Word of God QS(17)85: "Wa yas-aluunaka 'anir ruuhi qulir ruuhumin amri rabbi wa maa uutiitum minal 'ilmi illa qaliilaa."

Meaning: They ask you concerning the Ruh (Spirit). Say: “The Ruh (Spirit) is by command of my Lord, and of knowledge you have been given only a little.”

This information is being conveyed for your consideration, in the hope that it will be of use to you. Wassalam.


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