Kamis, 02 Maret 2017


by AA.Navis

The collapse Surau

Before SKY MAKIN cloudy

create a sensation, this story has also been rocked for depicting gods and hell. it's titled DEMOLITION SURAU US - AA Navis writing.

If a few years ago Tuan came to my hometown to catch a bus, the Lord will stop near the market. Then about a kilometer from the market will come the way of the Lord in my village. In the small junction to the right, the fifth intersection, turn into the narrow road. And just down the road will encounter a mosque old Tuan. In front there is a fish pond, where the water flows through four showers.

And in the courtyard of the mosque was left to Mr. encountered an old man who used to sit there dengansegala the
ketuaannya worship and obedience. For many years it was as Garin, guard the mosque. People called him Grandpa.
As penajag mosque, Grandpa did not get anything. He lived on alms collected by a se-Friday. Once the six months he got a quarter of the revenues from the goldfish from the pond. And once a year people bring nature to him Id. But as he did so well known Garin. It is more known as a knife sharpener. Because he was so skilled with his work. People like to ask him, but he never asked for anything in return. Those women who ask for help sharpen a knife or scissors, sambal gives in return. Men who cry out, reward her cigarette, sometimes money. But most often it receives is a thank you and a smile.

But this man was no longer present. It was dead. Surau and stay without guards. Until children use it as a playground, play whatever they chose. Women who run out of firewood, often prefer to cannibalize wallboard or floor at night.

If you come today, will find an impressive picture of a purity that would be broken down. And the failure of the increasingly rapid process. As soon as the children ran in it, as soon as women cannibalize pekayuannya. And most important is the nature of human indifference now, who do not want to preserve what is not in the guard again.And a ringleader of the failure is a myth that is undeniably true. Here's his story.

One day I came to hire Grandpa. Grandpa usually happy to accept me, because I like to give him money. But once the grandfather so grim. In the right corner it sits upright on her knees and hands supporting his chin. Wistful glances to the next, as if something was raging thoughts. A gorilla milk contains oil, a fine shavings, long leather soles, and a razor old scattered around the foot of Grandfather. I never saw my grandfather has never been so spirited and not disahutinya compliments like that. Then I sat down beside him and I touched the knife. And I asked my grandfather,

"who Knife, Cake?"

"Ajo Sidi."

"Ajo Sidi?"

Grandpa did not answer. And I remember Ajo Sidi, the braggart it. For a long time I did not see him. And I want to see him again. I'm glad to hear bluff. Sidi Ajo can bind people with a bluff weird all day. But this is rare because it is so busy with his work. As a braggart, which is the biggest success for all pelakupelaku and told the people to ridicule model and the story eventually become a byword. What nonsense people around my village that matches the character pelakupelaku story. When once he tells how the frog, and there happens to be a hooked leaders behave like the frog, the next leader of the frogs we call leadership.

Suddenly I remember the grandfather and the arrival of Ajo Sidi him. Is Ajo Sidi has made the talk about Grandpa?And boasting that what mendurjakan Grandpa? I want to know. Then I asked Grandpa again. "What's his story, Grandpa?"


"Ajo Sidi."

"Damn him," Grandpa said.


"Hopefully this razor, a sharp kuasah this, menggoroh throat."

"Grandpa angry?"

"Angry? Yes, when I was young, but I'm old. Parents hold modes. For a long time I was not angry anymore. I fear that my faith is broken therefore, prayer destroyed by it.It's been so long I do good, pray, trust in God. It's been so long I surrendered to Him. And God will love those who are patient and trust. "

Want me know with the depressing story Grandpa Sidi Ajo be peaking. Grandpa I ask again, "What he said, Grandpa?"

But Grandpa did not say anything. Perhaps his heart heavy storytelling. Since I have been repeatedly asked, and then he asked me, "You know me, right? I realize you've been here a little. Since my youth, is not it? You know what I'm doing all right? Terkutukkah
accomplished? Cursed Tuhankah all my work? "

But I do not have to answer it again. For I know that my grandfather had opened his mouth, he will not be silent anymore. I let my grandfather with his own question.

"From the youth I'm here, is not it? I remember not have a wife, have children, have a family like everyone else, you know? Not think about my own life. I do not want to look rich, home made. All my life, spiritually, I commit to Allah Almighty. I never burden others. I refused to kill a fly. But now I say cursed man. Feed the Fire. God was angry that I did, you thought? I will curse them that I dedicate my life to Him? Esokku not think today, because I believe there is a God and merciful and compassionate to those who trust. I wake up early. I purification. I beat the drum to wake people from sleep, so bow down to him. I prayed every time. I praise Him glory. I read his book.
Thank God I said when I receive His grace. I said when I terkejut.Masya Astagfirullah I said when I was in awe of God. What's wrong with my work? But now I say cursed man. "

When Grandpa was silent for quite a long time, I said I interject," he has said so Grandpa, Grandpa? "

" He did not say I was cursed. But that's about it. "

And I saw Grandpa's eyes filled with tears. I pity him so. In my heart I cursed so Ajo Sidi Grandpa heart beat. And my curiosity made me ask nosy. And finally Grandpa told me again.

"At one time, 'said Ajo Sidi start,' God in the hereafter examine those who have passed away. The angels on duty beside him. In their hands clasped list of human sins and merits. So many people were checked. It's known everywhere there is war. And among those who have examined the world in a corresponding named Haji Saleh.Haji Saleh was smiling, because he was so confident in entering into heaven. Second hand sustained in the waist, puffing his chest and lowered his head to the nape. When he saw the people who go to hell, his lips teasing smile.And when he sees people who go to heaven, he waved his hand, as if to say 'congratulations you later'.Habishabisnya not like people queuing so long.Depreciation in advance, rose behind. And God looked at all of his qualities.

Haji Saleh's turn finally came. Smiling proudly, he worshiped God. Then
God asked the first question.


'I Saleh. But since I've been to Mecca, the Hajj Saleh my name. '

'I did not ask your name. Name for me, no need. Only name in the world for you. '

'Oh my god.'

'What on earth are you doing?'

'I always worship you, my Lord.'


'Every day, every night. In fact, every time I mention your name. '


'Yes, my Lord, no job other than to serve worship Thee, mentioning your name. Even in your love, when I got sick, your name is also the fruit of my lips. And I always pray, pray for your generosity to convince your people. '


Haji Saleh can not be answered yet. He has told me that he did. But he turned back, the original question asked God not only, of course, there are more that have not say.But in his opinion, he has told me everything. He did not know what to say. It's dreamy and lowered his head. Fire suddenly menghawakan warmth to the body of Haji Saleh.And he was crying. But the tears flowed, sucked dry by the heat of hell.

'Another?' Asking God.

'It's servant tell you everything, o, God Almighty, the Merciful, the Compassionate, Just and All-Knowing.' Haji Saleh already haggard try out tactics humility and praise God with the hope that God can do soft against him and no one asked him.

But God said: 'Nothing else?'

'O, o, ooo, which is my Lord. I always read your book. '


'Already I told him everything, o my Lord. But if anyone who forgot I said, I was grateful that you are all-knowing. '

'It's no more than you do in the world that you're telling me?'

'Yes, that's all, my Lord.'

'Go ye.'

And angels with sigapnya tweaked Haji Saleh to hell. Haji Saleh did not understand why he was taken to hell. He did not understand what the Lord desires of him and he believed God was not mistaken.

How astonished Haji Saleh, because in hell that many of his friends in a world parched scorched, moaning in pain.And he added that he did not understand the situation, because everyone saw in hell worship no less than her own. There's even one that has to fourteen times to Mecca and called the sheikh was. Then Haji Saleh approached them, and asked them why they dinerakakan.But as Haji Saleh, people were not well understood.

'What our Lord?' Haji Saleh said then, 'Have not we told to worship and obey Him, believe firmly? And that's all we do throughout our lives. But now we cast them into hell. '

'Yes, we are surprised. Look at the people from one country to us all, and no less devotion to worship, 'said one of them.

'It's really not fair.'

'It's not fair,' said the men were repeating the Haj Saleh speech.

'Then we have to ask the witness for our mistakes.'

'We must remind the Lord, if he could trick us into this hell.'

'True. True. True.' Cheers others allow Haji Saleh.

'If God did not want to admit his mistakes, how?' a shrill voice in the crowd.

'We protest. We resolution, 'said Haji Saleh.

'What our revolution too?' asked another voice, which seems to be the leader in the world revolutionary movement.

'It depends on the situation,' said Haji Saleh. 'The important thing now, let us demonstrate to God.'

'It fits perfectly. In a world first with a demonstration, many of our esteem, "a voice interrupted.

'Agreed. Agreed. Agreed. ' They cheered en masse.

Then they went together to the Lord.

And God said, 'You what?'

Haji Saleh who is a leader and spokesman to the fore. And with a trembling voice and rhythmic low, he started his speech: 'O our Lord Almighty. We are facing thy people! This is the most devout worshipers, most devout worship.We are the people who always mention your name, thy praise kebesaran-, propagate righteousness, and others.Thy book we memorized by rote kami.Tak we read it in the least misguided. However, our Lord Almighty after you call here, you put us into hell. So before things happen that are not desired, then here, on behalf of those who love You, we demand that the punishment dost us to heaven as promised in the Book of You. '

'You live in a world where?' Asking God.

'We are your people who live in Indonesia, my Lord.'

'O, in the country's fertile land?'

'Yes, it's true, my Lord.'

'The land that mahakaya highway, full of metal, oil, and various other minerals,
is not it?'

'True. True. True. Our Lord. That is our land. ' They begin to respond simultaneously. Since the dawn of joy was on her face again. And rest assured they now, that God was wrong to sentence them.

'In a country where the land is so fertile, so that the plants grow without soil?'

'True. True. True. That is our land. '

'In the country, where the population itself destitute?'

'Yes. Yes. Yes. That he is our land. '

'State long enslaved lands?'

'Oh my god. It's the curse of colonialism, my Lord. '

'And of thy land, those who plow, and transported to the country, is not it?'

'Yes, my Lord. Until we do not get anything else. It is anathema to them. '

'In a country that always stirring it until you fight with you always, being the land of others as well as take it, is not it?'

'Yes, my Lord. But for us the property we did not want to know. The important thing for us is to worship and praise you. '

'You would rather remain poor, is not it?'

'True. We willingly once, my Lord. '

'Because keralaanmu it, your children will also destitute, is not it?'

'Although we were destitute children and grandchildren, but they're all smart Koran. Thy book they know by heart. '

'But like you, what he calls not entered into his heart, is not it?'

'There, my Lord.'

'If there was, why did you let yourself destitute, persecuted all to their offspring. Seeking your wealth you let someone else take it to their children and grandchildren. And you prefer to fight among yourselves, each trick, each squeeze. I'm giving you a rich country, but you're lazy.You'd rather worship, because worship does not sweat, not laboring. I am telling you all that you should do the poor. You think I like praise, worship drunk at any time. No.You must all go to hell. hi, Angel, if they have to go back to hell. Place the crust! "

All of a ghastly did not dare say anything else. Now they know what God's blessed way in the world. But Haji Saleh would also uncertain whether that will in the world do it wrong or right. But he did not dare to ask God. He asked only in
the angel that led them there.

'Wrong do you think, if we worship God in the world?'asked Haji Saleh. 'No. Mistakes you, because you are too concerned with yourself. You're afraid to go to hell, because they're devout prayer. But thou hast forgotten thy own life, his own wife forget the child's life, so they mess forever. This is the biggest sins, too selfish. Though the world berkaum you, brothers everything, but you do not care about them at all. '

Such is the story Ajo Sidi what I heard from my grandfather. The depressing story of Grandpa. And the next day, when I go down the house in the morning, my wife said what I did not go to visit.

"Who died?" I asked kagut.



"Yes. Grandpa was found dead in the morning in a terrible state suraunya once. It menggoroh his throat with a razor. "

" Gosh! Sidi Ajo had a quarrel, "I said, quickly leaving my wife was astonished.

I find Ajo Sidi to his house. But I just met her. Then I asked him.

"It's gone," said Ajo Sidi wife.

"No she knew Grandpa died?"

"Yes. And he left a message in order to buy a shroud for Grandfather of seven layers. "

" And now, "I asked, losing my mind really hear any event by acts Ajo Sidi is not the slightest responsibility," and now where is he? "

" Work. "

" Work ? "I repeated blankly.

"Yes, he went to

work." -the End- Profile not?' 'Yes, my Lord. But for us the property we did not want to know. The important thing for us is to worship and praise you. ' 'You would rather remain poor, is not it?' 'True. We willingly once, my Lord. ''Because keralaanmu it, your children will also destitute, is not it?' 'Although we were destitute children and grandchildren, but they're all smart Koran. Thy book they know by heart. ' 'But like you, what he calls not entered into his heart, is not it?' 'There, my Lord.' 'If there was, why did you let yourself destitute, persecuted all to their offspring. Seeking your wealth you let someone else take it to their children and grandchildren. And you prefer to fight among yourselves, each trick, each squeeze. I'm giving you a rich country, but you're lazy. You'd rather worship, because worship does not sweat, not laboring. I am telling you all that you should do the poor. You think I like praise, worship drunk at any time. No. You must all go to hell. hi, Angel, if they have to go back to hell. Place the crust! " All of a ghastly did not dare say anything else.Now they know what God's blessed way in the world. But Haji Saleh would also uncertain whether that will in the world do it wrong or right. But he did not dare to ask God.He asked only in the angel that led them there. 'Wrong do you think, if we worship God in the world?' asked Haji Saleh. 'No. Mistakes you, because you are too concerned with yourself. You're afraid to go to hell, because they're devout prayer. But thou hast forgotten thy own life, his own wife forget the child's life, so they mess forever. This is the biggest sins, too selfish. Though the world berkaum you, brothers everything, but you do not care about them at all. ' Such is the story Ajo Sidi what I heard from my grandfather. The depressing story of Grandpa. And the next day, when I go down the house in the morning, my wife said what I did not go to visit. "Who died?" I asked kagut. "Grandpa." "Grandpa?" "Yes. Grandpa was found dead in the morning in a terrible state suraunya once. It menggoroh his throat with a razor. " " Gosh! Sidi Ajo had a quarrel, "I said, quickly leaving my wife was astonished. I find Ajo Sidi to his house. But I just met her. Then I asked him. "It's gone," said Ajo Sidi wife. "No she knew Grandpa died?" "Yes. And he left a message in order to buy a shroud for Grandfather of seven layers. " " And now, "I asked, losing my mind really hear any event by acts Ajo Sidi is not the slightest responsibility," and now where is he? " " Work. " " Work ? "I repeated blankly. "Yes, he went towork." -the End- Profile not?' 'Yes, my Lord. But for us the property we did not want to know. The important thing for us is to worship and praise you. ' 'You would rather remain poor, is not it?' 'True. We willingly once, my Lord. ''Because keralaanmu it, your children will also destitute, is not it?' 'Although we were destitute children and grandchildren, but they're all smart Koran. Thy book they know by heart. ' 'But like you, what he calls not entered into his heart, is not it?' 'There, my Lord.' 'If there was, why did you let yourself destitute, persecuted all to their offspring. Seeking your wealth you let someone else take it to their children and grandchildren. And you prefer to fight among yourselves, each trick, each squeeze. I'm giving you a rich country, but you're lazy. You'd rather worship, because worship does not sweat, not laboring. I am telling you all that you should do the poor. You think I like praise, worship drunk at any time. No. You must all go to hell. hi, Angel, if they have to go back to hell. Place the crust! " All of a ghastly did not dare say anything else.Now they know what God's blessed way in the world. But Haji Saleh would also uncertain whether that will in the world do it wrong or right. But he did not dare to ask God.He asked only in the angel that led them there. 'Wrong do you think, if we worship God in the world?' asked Haji Saleh. 'No. Mistakes you, because you are too concerned with yourself. You're afraid to go to hell, because they're devout prayer. But thou hast forgotten thy own life, his own wife forget the child's life, so they mess forever. This is the biggest sins, too selfish. Though the world berkaum you, brothers everything, but you do not care about them at all. ' Such is the story Ajo Sidi what I heard from my grandfather. The depressing story of Grandpa. And the next day, when I go down the house in the morning, my wife said what I did not go to visit. "Who died?" I asked kagut. "Grandpa." "Grandpa?" "Yes. Grandpa was found dead in the morning in a terrible state suraunya once. It menggoroh his throat with a razor. " " Gosh! Sidi Ajo had a quarrel, "I said, quickly leaving my wife was astonished. I find Ajo Sidi to his house. But I just met her. Then I asked him. "It's gone," said Ajo Sidi wife. "No she knew Grandpa died?" "Yes. And he left a message in order to buy a shroud for Grandfather of seven layers. " " And now, "I asked, losing my mind really hear any event by acts Ajo Sidi is not the slightest responsibility," and now where is he? " " Work. " " Work ? "I repeated blankly. "Yes, he went towork." -the End-

musafir-jmi Jambi City Indonesia


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