Kamis, 02 Maret 2017

Getting to know the origin of the source of their knowledge (Science & Technology)

Admiration us against human intelligence through the advancement of Science (any discipline that occupied) to be grateful. Starting from terpesonanya worldwide to Einstein cleverness.

However, so that we do not sink to the human intelligence, it would be better we put in the position of "ORIGIN FROM WHERE IS" Science-Knowledge through ingenuity that?

GOOD: In order to avoid human ONLY admired, then FORGOTTEN "THE CREATOR", as if it is the brain FOR BEING sources of intelligence or science-Pengatahuan it, would not be separated from anything that we have or that we have achieved until today.

REVIEW BY AL-Quran and Sunnah (Hadith).


Setinggi any human intelligence, certainly WILL NEVER BE FOUND

JAWABANNYA.Sayangnya Einstein will be amazed by the cleverness, but HE will NOT be able to find where real-origin. We also never questioned why can think, certainly we have thought so far BRAIN.

Bedtime there BRAIN? THERE IS; WHERE SAID ingenuity?


Why can not move the body?

DEAR PEOPLE DURING not had time MEDITATE. Whereas SLEEP TIME complete all limbs, Apala


HUMAN NOT MADE OF SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY (ST), precisely ST FROM RUH, dikala GOD enhance HUMAN EVENTS RUH to blow him; GIVE GOD the one who HEARING (not the ears), sight (not points), Smell (not nose), WORD (not mouth) and feeling (not the tongue).

QS (32) 9:
"Tsumma sawwah wa wa nafakha fiihi mir ruuhihii ja'ala lakumus m'a abshaara wal wal af idata qaliilam tasykuruun maa."

Then it WILL get humans the knowledge-knowledge, after RUH-NUR tersebutmengaktifkan substance BRAIN-EYES-EAR-MOUTH TONGUE CAN THINK so human-READ-WRITE-LISTEN-FEEL etc. thanks. Then SHOULD know where the source of the hearing-impaired and feelings penciuman- last word! When all men sleep, all organs intact / is-good, but can not do anything (do not work).

QS (39) 42:
"Allahu yatawaffal anfusa hiina mautihaa waallatii lam turns fii manaamihaa fayumsikullatii qadha alaihaal Maut wayursilul akhra also appointed special aunt fii dzalika li-aayaatin liqaumin yatafakkaruun (a)."
"Allah MEWAFAT; MEMEGANG Ruh orang YANG Matin Daniel Ruh orang YANG TIDUR; Maka ditahan Bethulia Ruh orang yang mati, Dia dikembalikan Ruh orang yang tidur sampai waktu yang ditentukan. Sesungguhnya Padan yang demikian Cucuta, terdapat oven-oven kekuasaan Allah, Bagi us some yang mau BERPIKIR. "

Even after we take care of the bed; only then all the organs to function. Conversely source of hearing, sight and speech actually smell emitted by the RUH, which comes from God's grace or giving form or ZAT or TASTE DELICIOUS.

QS (55) has 31 verses:
"Fabiana Aalaa-yi-i rabbikumaa tukadz-dzibaan (i)"
means: "that which thy Lord, that YOU deny?"

Thingking process actually begins from the flavored;starting from:
REASON; outsmart means something from nothing into being, and then came the process:
THOUGHT-thought, that means WE start thinking about something-how there.
And then comes the next process, its name:
ILLUSION (imaginary); we fantasize in order to create something that OBJECTIVE.
Suddenly we feel understood, its name: UNDERSTAND: that we understand-understand ideas that will be something we want;
THEN THE MIND pass that resulted in a "science and technology or science".

Once we understand this, then transferred via RUH to Brain or human brain.

Therefore every human, will be able to feel when they read something, hear something, be able to understand, comprehend;

So at that time the role is DELICIOUS TASTE-OF SAID;(not the substance of the brain).

Well, then we know that there is:

"science and technology" or science-knowledge.



1. Pending the arrival of the knowledge of the origin of that knowledge;

2. Not knowing RUH THAT IS OF GOD, not affairs ST;

3. ST will be high efficiency when clean Ruh; in Manage by God;

4. Fortunately for him purifies himself, with REMEMBER and Prayer.

QS (87) 14-15: "Qad aflaḥa Tazakka man. Wa dzakarasma rabbihii shallaa fa."

Meaning: "Happy is the person purifies himself by remembering and Prayer."

Can people explain it or make it happen?

The answer is:

Allah is the Creator of human nature: "Satan whispers of the jinn and mankind one nation".

QS (114): "Qul Rabbi a'oodhu bi unfortunate. Malikin unfortunate. Ilaha ill-fated. Min syarril khannaas. Yuwaswisu FII shuduurin then released me unfortunate. Minal jinnat wan unfortunate."
"Say, 'I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind, the human master, the Lord of men, CRIMES OF THE hesitate WHISPERS FROM THE HIDDEN SATAN. Who whispers IN HUMAN CHEST, A TYPE OF JIN AND HUMAN. "

Getting to know the nature of the Satanic-Jin-Man:

The Satanic:

QS (26) 221-226:
" It unabbi-ukum 'alaa man tanazzalusy syayaathiin.Tanazzalu 'alaa kulli affaakin atsiim. Yulquunas m'a wa aktsaruhum kaadzibuun. Wasy Syu'araa-u yattabi'uhumul ghaawuun. A lam tara annahum kulli waadiy yahiimuun.Wa maa laa annahum yaquuluuna yaf'aluun. "
That is:
" Shall I tell you on whom Satan DECENDING it? Satan was down to every lying, sinful liar, whose ears and most of them are liars. And the poets followed by the perverse.Do not you see they WALKING FROM valley to valley, and they said nothing they did not do. "

Human Nature:

QS (100) 6:" Innal insaana li rabbihii la kanuud, "Behold, the man infidels or rejects HIM . "

QS (70) 19-20: "Innal insaana khuliqa haluu'aa. Idzaa massahusy syarru jazuu'aa."

Meaning: "HUMAN NATURE was groaning, CHALLENGING TO DO, IF HE HARD despair, she GETS PLEASURE WHEN SHE stingy."

Jin properties:

QS (25) 43-44:
 "A ra-AITA manit takhadza ilaahahuu hawaahu a fa anta takuunu 'alaihi wakiilaa. Am tahsabu anna aktsarahum yasma'uuna au ya'qiluuma in hum illa kal hum'An'am ball adhallu sabiilaa . "
That is:
"Do you know that most people who make their desires as their Lord? And do you as a guardian over him? Or do you think that most of them listen or understand anything that you say? Is LIKE ANIMALS EVEN MORE LOST HIS PATH."

ALL PEOPLE CAN FEEL and will LISTENING IS NATURE CAN EVEN these properties, because FAVOUR IS-SENSE-substances that have been in the gift of GOD to every human in this world; where there is-whereabouts.

This is the beginning of human forgetfulness of himself, forgets himself and cause bad properties, such as the nature of pride in the success-wealth-wealth etc.


QS (17) 85:
 "Wayasaluunaka 'anirruuhi qulirruuhu min amri rabbii wamaa uutiitum Minal' ilmi ila qaliilaa."
"And if anyone asks you about the Spirit, said RUH BUSINESS IS YOUR GOD, and nothing is gained but little knowledge."

QS (27) 91:
 "Innamaa umirtu an a'buda Rabba haadzijil baldatil ladzii harramahaa kulli syai Lahu wa-wa umirtu iw muslimiin an akuuna terminal."
 "I worship the Lord in the land TERPERINTAH Dear (HOUSE), everything belongs to God, I AM IN MUSLIM IN THIS PLACE."

In order to prevent human NOT FORGET TO HIMSELF, then the believer (I fil qalbil of believers-servant in their heart called believers-believers name Spirit), COMPULSORY:

establish the prayer in order to prevent and avoid from NATURE'S NOT GOOD, as ARROGANT etc it ,

QS (29) 45:
"Mutlu maa uuhiya Malaika wa terminal kitaabi aqimish shalaata innash shalaata tanhaa 'annealing fahsyaa-i wal munkari la dzikrullaahi Akbar wa maa Wallaahu ya'lamu tashna'uun."
"Recite, O Muhammad anything you have revealed of the Book and establish prayer (before done), REAL Prayer restrains from indecency and evil, and certainly the remembrance of Allah is greater priorities. And Allah knows what you do. "

QS (23) 1-5:
 "Qad aflahal Mu'minuun. Allatheena hum fii shalaatihim khaasyi'uun. Wal ladziina hum 'annealing laghwi mu'ridhuun. Wal ladziina hum liz Zakāati faa'iluun. Wal ladziina hum li furuujihim haafizhuun."
"rEALLY SURE WIN WIN tHE bELIEVER (non-human) in prayer and humility dEVOTION TO GOD. And those who turn away from vain things. And those who give alms.And those who guard their chastity. "

In the House, the decline in manual-revelation;

QS (3) 96:
 " Inna Awwal baitiw wudhi'a lin rice lal ladzii bakkata mubaarakaw bi wa lil aalamiin overflow. "
This means:
" Surely this is the polity start HOUSE (HOUSE iN MAKKAH; NOT THERE HOUSE on this earth, including the Al-Aqsa Mosque, because it was built in the time of Prophet Solomon) tHAT I DECLARE fOR pEOPLE, tHANKS fOR wORSHIP (meaning worship performed by human will hAVE vALUES nATURE, when KNOW each of worship, facing direction IN HOUSE memory); INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ENTIRE ENVIRONMENT (NOT FOR NATURE, BUT THE PEOPLE, namely RUH who sits on the chest). "

Who took him?

QS (9) 33, QS (48) 28, QS (61) 9:
 " huwal-ladzii Arsala rasuulahu bil huda wadiinil Haqqi liyuzhhirahu 'aladdiini kullihi Wakaf billahi syahiidan. "
it means:
" only God sent a Messenger (Muhammad) with bringeth guidance and the religion of truth, to proclaim it over all religion. And Allah is sufficient as a witness. "

Who got him?
QS (2) 2-3:" Dzalikal kitaabu laa Paraíba fiihi overflow (n) -lilmuttaqiin (a). Al-ladziina yu'minuuna bilghaibi wayuqiimuunash-shalaata wamimmaa razaqnaahum yunfiquun (a). "
This means:
" No doubt it was a sack and the Book; INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE TAQWA, (that) those who believe in the unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend most of his fortune, which We have bestowed on them. "

How LAW her when prayers is not in the House, in essence?

QS (8) 35: "Wa ma kaana shalaatuhum 'Indal baiti face-aw wa illa fa tashdiyatan dzuuqul' maa bi adzaaba takfuruun bud".
it means:
"and it iS NOT IN tHEIR HOUSE prayer in essence, NOT JUST ANOTHER whistling and clapping, or play- MAIN alone; FEELS THE TORMENT because they were infidels. "

However, it MUST be met. When setting up the obligatory prayer by the Apostle, his place in the House, in essence,

QS (24) 56:" aqiimush shalaata Wa wa wa aatuz Zakāata athii'ur rasuula la'allakum turhamuun . "
This means:
 " establish worship, OUT CHARITY, fOLLOW tHE PROPHET, so that you may receive mercy. "

QS (2) 125:" Wa idz ja'alnal baita matsaabatal linnaasi wa amnaw wat takhidzuu meme maqaami Ibrahiima mushallaw wa 'ahidnaa wa ila ibraahiima Asmaa 'illa an thahiraa baitiya thaa lith-ifiina wal' aakifiina warrukka'is sujuud. "
It means:
 " And REMEMBER WHEN WE BRING HOME THE hOUSE (NOT the Kaaba), rOUND tRIP FOR HUMAN AND sAFE PLACE. HOUSE TAKE-LAH and into places of worship.Clean-My house is for those who CIR, devotion IMAM AND ACTING AFTER HIM. "

QS (22) 26:" Wa idz bawwa'naa li Ibrahiima makaanal baiti al laa unbelieving bii syai-aw wa thaa thahhir baitiya lith-ifiina walqaaimiina wa rukka'is sujuud. "
It means:
and (remember) when We IBRAHIM PUT IN pLACE IN tHE HOUSE, as he says we are," DO yOU associate ME wITH tHE oTHERS, and purify my House for those who circumambulate, people for devotion and those who bow and prostrate. "

Conclusion :

1. Naturally-Einstein MENGETAHUISUMER NOT ORIGINAL SCIENCE / SCIENCE-TECHNOLOGY that, as human beings in general;

2. When we go back to the Quran and the hadith; only the messenger of God was the one who could explain everything hidden / terrahasia that is in the Quran and Sunnah.

But God's messenger that 124,313 people tersebutsudah out the task.

3. therefore, we stopped for a moment to be CHARM advancement of Science and Technology (known as resource human), wHY: a source of fascination comes from the greatness of Almighty GOD, which is the heart of every human being BERNAMA RUH (in fact the Spirit that human resources).

4. That will better the efficiency of science and technology; when the Spirit is in the care of the Lord. So that the objects of human research is not just limited to management; but should also be the object of man himself (Man).

Here presented some word of God in the Quran and hadith, in order to acquire knowledge of religion; (WHERE ARE WE ASKING ABOUT RELIGION?);

as below:

1. QS (2) 207: "Wa minan rice may yasyrii nafsahub a mardhaatillahi wallahu tughaa-ra-uufum bill 'ibaad."
"And of mankind is he who would sell himself to seek z Allah, and Allah is full of kindness to His servants."

2. QS (16) 43-44: "Wa maa arsalnaa illa min qablika rijaalan nuuhiiilaihiim fas aluu ahladz laa ta'lamuun Dzikri in bud."
It means:
 "And We sent not before thee but men that we revealed to them; then ask them a reminder if you do not know;" With the evidence and scriptures. And we sent down the Qur'an to you that you may explain to mankind what has been revealed to them so they think. "

3. QS (21) 7:" Wa maa arsalnaa qablaka illa rijaalan nuuhii Alaihim fas aluu ahladz Dzikri in bud laa ta ' lamuun. "
it means
" And We sent Messengers before-mu but men to whom We revealed to them. So ask the people of knowledge if you do not know. "
4. QS (36) 20-21:" Wa jaa-a min aqshal madiinati rajuluy yas'aa English: He yaa qaumit tabi'ul mursaleen. Ittabi'uu mal-yas alukum ajraw laa wa hum muhtaduun. "
It means:
 " There will come a man running from the other end of town, telling people to believe in God. Said the man, "FOLLOW messengers," ye FOLLOW THAT DOES NOT REQUIRE TO THE WAGES AND SALARIES INSTRUCTIONS THAT HE RECEIVES. "

What should have been completed on each of us ?:

QS (2) 147:" Alhaqqu mir rabbika fa laa takuunanna terminal mumtariin. "
it means:
 " Truth is from your Lord, so be not of those who doubt. "

What is the solution? What can be done collectively (together)?


Sura (13) 11: "Lahu mu'aqqibaatum meme yadaihi Baini wa min min khalfihii yahfazhuunahuu amrillaahi innallaaha bi maa laa yughayyiru zkouska yughayyiruu quam wa maa bian fusihim idzaa araadallaahu qaumin bi suu-fa wa laa Radda Lahu maalahum min duunihii MIW waal."
That is:
 For people there are (angels) followed alternately in front and behind him, who guard him by command of Allah. TRUE GOD dOES nOT cHANGE tHE GOODS a people until they change ITEM tHAT iS iN tHEMSELVES. and when Allah intends evil to a people, then no can reject it, and there is no protection for them besides him. "

Allah does not change the items on a people until they change that which is in him.
It turns out that it is the substance altered or flavored or FAVOUR;

QS (8) 53: "Dzaalika bi lam annallaaha yaku mughayyiran Ni'mat an'amahaa 'alaa qaumin even yughayyiru anfusihim wa maa bi annallaaha samii'un' aliim."
It means:
"For him are (angels) followed alternately in front and behind him, who guard him by command of Allah. Lo! GOD IS NOT CHANGING OF A PEOPLE SO THAT THEY CHANGE THE FAVOR OR SENSE OF THEMSELVES. And when Allah intends evil to a people, then no one can resist it, and there is no protection for them besides him. "

How the taste to be repaired or changed it?


SHOULD every human being can realize suspicion is the base starting emergence of indecency and evil among msyarakat among men with other men, family, community and country.

Therefore, YOU CAN CHANGE THE must of itself anyway, can not be helped by other people, but they themselves that must resolve it; start yourself.

Hadith of the Prophet: IBDA 'BINAFSIKUM.

QS (2) 44: "A time ta'muruunan Birri bill wa tansauna anfusakum tatluunal kitaaba a quantum wan fa laa ta'qiluun."
That is:
"Why do you ask people to do good, you forget yourself you yourself, when you read the Book of God, do not you understand?"

Therefore it is natural science and technology will NEVER be able to resolve human behavior is patterned manner.

The reason :
People are not created by science and technology.

Thus science and technology is the product of man.

While human beings were created by God from both parents;
QS (49) 13:
"Yaa ayyuhan ASU innaa khalaqnaakum min dzakariw untsaa wa wa wa ja'alnaakum syu'uubaw Qabana-li ta'aarafuu inna ila akramakum 'indallaahi atqaakum innallaaha' aliimun khabiir."
It means:
"O mankind! we created you from a male and a female, and made you nations and tribes that ye may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of GOD is more TAQWA of you. Surely Allah is Knower Thorough. "

Then Allah perfected the creation of man by blowing the soul;
QS (32) 9:
 " Tsumma sawwah wa wa nafakha fiihi mir ruuhihii ja'ala lakumus m'a abshaara wal wal af idata qaliilam tasykuruun maa. "


Spirit is what gives color to think, to provide vision, hearing and heart.
Unfortunately with the progress of science and technology they forgot him, even being proud and arrogant; FORGET BEAN with skin.

DO NOT KNOW where SOURCE science and technology.
Let a man can realize and know that human behavior is made and in the form of a whisper demon countryman jinn and men;

he has been hiding the truth.

Therefore, QS (2) 149: "Wa min fa Haitsu kharajta walli wakhaka syathral innahuu lal Masjid Haraam HAQQU wa wa Allaahu bi mir rabbika ghaafilin 'amma ta'maluun."

Meaning: "And just where did you go out, turn your face towards the sacred Mosque, that is the truth from your Lord. And Allah is not unmindful of what ye do. "

QS (2) 150:" Wa min Haitsu kharajta fa walli wajhaka syahtral Masjid Haraam wa Haitsu maa florets fa Wall wujuuhakum syahtrahuu li-alla Yaku lin rice 'alaikum hujjatun value ladziina zhalamuu minhum fa laa takhsyauhum alaikum la'allakum tahtaduun steam. "
it means:
" And where are you all are, turn your face towards the sacred Mosque. And from anywhere you are, turn your faces towards it so that people have no reason to argue with the exception of those who do wrong among them.So do not fear them, and fear Me, and that I have perfected My favor on you and that you may be guided. "

QS (2) 151:" Kamaa arsalnaa fiikum rasuulam minkum yatluu alaikum wa yuzzakkiikum aayaatinaa yu'allimukumul kitaaba wa wa wal wisdom yu'allimukum maa lam takuunu ta'lamuun. "
" as we have sent a messenger from among you to recite Our signs to you and purify you and teach you the Book and wisdom and teach you what ye know blum . "
How do I resolve:

QS (2) 152-153:
" Fadz kuruuni adzkurkum wasy thin wa la takfuruun lII.Yaa ayyuhal ladziina aamanus ta'iinuu bishshabri washshalati innallaaha ma'ashaabiriin. "
" Therefore, remember to Me, I will just remind you, and be grateful to Me and do not deny the favor. O you who believe, seek help through patience and prayer. Allah is with those who patiently persevere. "

Hadith of the Prophet:

" Idza wusidal amru ila ghoiri member
fantaziris saa'ah. "

It means:" When a matter is submitted to a non-expert, then wait for its destruction. "

5. Read the Word of God under to add a reference:

QS (53) 2,3,4: "Maa Dhalla shaahibukum wa maa ghawaa. Wa maa yanthiqu 'hawaa annealing. In huwa illa wahyuy yuuhaa. "
That is:
 " NOT LOST friends, and NOT CONFUSE, And he does not speak according to their own desires, nothing but revelation that is revealed. "

6. The question of religion can not be resolved through the knowledge acquired through school , which is taught from teacher to teacher from lineage to lineage. Because knowledge from teacher to teacher is a very limited knowledge of the capabilities of the human mind itself, from the text that limited context of limited, and the ability to think too limited. that would cause strife that will never end. that creates a paradigm shift epistemology.

instead God mememerintahkan to those who pray to find Washilah the word below:

QS (5) 35: "Yaa ayyuhal ladziina aamanut taqullaaha wab ṭāghīn ilahil wasiilata wa jahiduu fII sabiilihii la'allakum tuflihuun. "

it means:" O ye who believe, fear Allah and seek a means to him and strive in his way in order that ye may succeed. "

Therefore hold fast to the two eternal inheritance, namely the Quran and the Sunnah; Prayer PARTICIPATE IN THE HOUSE BAND and they certainly did not want to be educated by human to human. Because they can directly relate to Allah and His Messenger.

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