Senin, 06 Maret 2017


by: dr H. Rose Yusuf Aswin

This paper was presented presented to His Holiness Pope Francis at the Vatican in English, in the General Audience on June 14, 2014.

Peace shall be realized for every human being wherever there beradanya. Before talking about peace, is the first known substance or the realization of peace itself, then where to start; how to realize and what causes it is not peace.

Should be the one starts with knowing and knowing what is called the "SOUND HEART" (VOICE OF THE HEART), and would be known and understood by people everywhere. Conscience can be felt and known by every personnel because God has given ZAT or RASA or FAVOUR simultaneously enhanced by blowing RUH Human incident to him. Each Insan or humans through conscience will be able to feel so that it can recognize, know and hear their inner voice; which called on the virtues and calls upon the crime. When the conscience is fully realized by every human being, then gradually peace can be realized. Why are people always in a hurry, haste in dealing with something, either express by word or deed? The conscience will determine all that. If every human being to start something with not aware of conscience, then the nature of the rush is always controlled in response to something; the impact to the split that began with suspicion, syakwa-thought, nature is not to be outdone, do not want to be blamed, not willing humility, causing emotional attitude, no longer willing to accept the truth from anyone. Therefore, all comes from the conscience. If we always start something with a conscience who call to evil, then peace will never be realized; but when something needs to be done it starts with conscience calling to virtue, then surely slowly peace will be realized with the real. This view was taken into consideration that peace will not be realized if it is not aware of and do not know what the cause is not the realization of peace.

Various advice has been given, all the user has delivered, but peace still has not materialized; this is due to not touch the substance of the cause and not give a comprehensive solution to peace itself. God made human beings or of various ethnic groups that do not distinguish his people-of different languages, berdusun-hamlet, an assortment of people to know each other-know each other; not to hate each other and hostile.When you think about it, which appeals to the conscience of the crime, can not be known if God had not enhance human events by blowing Ruh him. This spirit of the Holy Scriptures; sidiq nature-mandate-tabliq-fatanah; He is Nur or Light. Mouth say NO, HE barkata true. Mouth to lie "DIA TAU". Secretly, we envy, jealousy, HATE to others, "HE KNOWS". Anyway something is not right we say or we feel, such as; LIAR, LIAR, HATE, LOVE SECRETLY, surely HE KNOWS. Meaning: Everything is NOT TRUE, HE WILL KNOW. Please, to feel such things through SOUND HEART. HE did NOT be lied. "HE comes from God, will return to God"; it was called the spiritual in every human being. For the whole of humanity which can not distinguish between the nation and its language. CALLED SOUND HEART. He is not male, not female. That men and women were, HUMAN. Therefore the Lord, through the religion brought by each of the Aulia-Ambiya with the language of his people talking about human beings, specifically conscience was comprehensively, but unfortunately humans see it subjectively through reason Idea which produces ideology, impacting split, creating many flow in religion. Kepintaranlah will find in order to seek the truth, want to participate completed the range of patterned human behavior, which raises debates and endless arguments.

God made man with the seorangp male and female, are printed in the womb of a mother, then God breathed Spirit perfected with him; Spiritual comes from GOD. That RUH called believers, not men and not women, are the breasts of men and women in the chest; which does not distinguish between race and language. This incident is the same for every human being on this earth. That's why God made man, kindness to fellow human beings, as God was kind to the man himself. Based on the proposal of the same events, God forbid any human prejudice.Prejudice is a sin, would you eat carrion own brother who is dead? Let alone kill someone, one person was killed at the law by killing everyone, one person we hate with hate everyone; one of us to do good is to do good to all people. So God reminds man that man can understand that human beings are one. Therefore, no man wants born American, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Dutch, French, English, Indonesian, in general, the various ethnic groups with different languages. However, ENGLISH HEART NO DIFFERENT. That is why God does not see thy neck and deeds; Just look at the HEART GOD, THAT IT INTENDS IN THE HEART. The intention in the heart, which is seen by God. THAT HUMAN BEINGS ARE ONE, the Lord, in order to achieve a pleasant life, good life and meaningful life (mean).

for consideration:

Let each man knows himself through his voice each.Through the control of conscience, every human being will get the best in family life, society, nation and state in the opportunity to speak-say-effect that can please himself and others. Like the people said earlier: "Thought is Good, is not thought to spoil yourself, are thought to perish themselves". Therefore do not be quick to say it's wrong or right, must weigh TASTE, the flavor was weighed, "Perhaps you hate something, but it is good for you; and perhaps you love something, when he is bad for you; and Allah knows are you not knowing". Therefore, do not rush to do something, think first, what are the benefits and mudharatnya. Through conscience, deliberation and reached a consensus that the highest, in order to obtain the hoped-for peace was achieved by all personnel in the face of this earth. This was conveyed as consideration, in order to obtain the real truth.


God's Word QS (3) 6: "
huwal ladzi yushawwirukum arhaa fil-mi kaifa yasyaa-u la ilaha illa huwal" aziizul judge. "
It means:
" He who forms you in the wombs as He pleases. There is no god but He, the Mighty, the Wise. "

God's Word QS (32) 9:
"Tsumma sawwah wa wa nafakha fiihi mir ruuhihii ja'ala lakumus m'a abshaara wal wal af idata qaliilam tasykuruun maa."
It means:
"I'M PERFECT HUMAN EVENTS, I breathed RUH, I have given hearing, sight, and hearts. However, very few people to thank. "

God's Word QS (49) 10:
"Innamaal mu'minuuna ikhwatun fa-ashlihuu baina akhawaikum waattaquullaha la'allakum turhamuun (a)."
This means:
"The believers (RUH) are brothers, therefore make peace between your brothers and fear Allah, that you may receive mercy."

Tuhan QS firman (49) 11-12:
"Ya Ayyuhal Ladz'iina Aamanuu laa Yaskhar Qaumum min Qaumin 'asaa ay Yakuunuu Khairam Minhum wa laa Nisaaum min nisan-in' asas ay Yakunna Khairamminhunna wa wa laa laa Talmizuu Anfusakum Tanaabazuu bil bi Alqaabi 'sal ismul fusuuqu ba'dal iimaani wa mal lam yatub fa ulaa-ika humuzh zhaalimuun. Ayyuhal Ladziina Aamanuj yaa Tabibuu Katsiiram Minazh Zhanni inna Ba'dhazhzhanni Itsmuw wa wa laa laa Tajassasuu Yaghtab Ba'dhukum Ba'dhan a Yuhibbu Ahadukum ay Ya'kula Lahma Akhiihi Maitan fa Karihtumuuhu wat Taqullaaha Innallaaha Tawwaabur Rahiim. "
ayat 11" Hai sekalian orang-orang yang beriman, JANGANLAH SATU kAUM MENGOLOK-OLOKKAN kAUM yANG LAIN, BOLEH JADI MEREKA (kaum yang mengolok-olokkan itu) LEBIH BAIK DARI MEREKA (yANG MEPEROLOK-OLOKKAN), dan jangan (pula) perempuan-perempuan mengolok-olokkan perempuan-perempuan (yang lain), boleh jadi perempuan-perempuan (yang diperolok-olokkan) lebih baik dari mereka (yang memperolok-olokkan), dan janganlah kamu mencela dirimu sendiri, dan JANGANLAH kAMU PANGGIL-MEMANGGIL DENGAN GELAR-GELAR yANG BURUK,seburuk-buruk Nama (panggilan) ialah PANGGILAN FASIK SESUDAH BERIMAN. Dan BARANGSIAPA yang TIDAK BERTAUBAT, maka mereka itulah oRANG yANG ZALIM. Artinya ayat 12 Hai orang-orang yang beriman, JAUHILAH KEBANYAKAN PRASANGKA, sesungguhnya SEBAHAGIAN PRASANGKA itu adalah DOSA. Dan JANGANLAH KAMU MENCARI KEBURUKAN orang dan JANGANLAH sebahagian kamu MENGGUNJING atas sebahagian yang lain. Adakah DI ANTARA KAMU MEMAKAN BANGKAI SAUDARA KAMU SENDIRI yang mati? Maka kamu membencikannya. Dan BERTAQWALAH KEPADA ALLAH. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Penerima Taubat lagi Maha Penyayang . "

Tuhan QS firman (49) 13:
"Yaa Ayyuhan Naasu Innaa Khalaqnaakum min Dzakariw Untsaa wa wa wa Ja'alnaakum Syu'uubaw Qabaa ila-li Ta'aarafuu inna Akramakum 'Indallaahi Atqaakum Innallaaha' Aliimun Khabiir."
"Hai Sekalian Manusia , sesungguhnya Kami MENCIPTAKAN kAMU DARI SEORANG LAKI -LAKI dAN SEORANG PEREMPUAN, dan Kami jadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku supaya kamu saling mengenal. Sesungguhnya SEMULIA-MULIA kamu DI SISI ALLAH ialah yang lebih TAQWA di antara kamu.Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Teliti. "

Train Of Thinking QS Firman (21) 92:
"Inna hadzihii ummatukum ummataw waahidataw being rabbukum fa'buduun."
"Sesungguhnya manusia Cucuta UMAT YANG Satu, TUHANNYA Satu, you SEMBAHLAH AKU."

God's Word QS (23) 52:
"Wa inna haadzihii ummatukum ummataw waahidataw wa ana rabbukum taquun fat."
"Behold, the man WHICH ONE PEOPLE, ONE HIM, so fear Me." Where worship and fear of God in truth?

God's Word QS (27) 91:
"Annama umirtu an a'buda Rabba haa dzihil baldatil ladzi harramahaa Lahu wa wa kullu syai-iw umirtu an akuuna minal Muslims."
"Indeed I terperintah worship the Lord in the land of honor that I entered the House and Muslims in that place." How? Establish Prayer.
God's Word QS (2) 125:
"Wa idz ja'alnal Baita matsaabatal rice lin meme takhidzu wat wa AnnaW maqaami Ibraahiima mushallaw wa 'ahidnaa Ibraahiima wa ila Ismaa'iila an thahhiraa Baitiya thaa lith-ifiina wal'akiifiina warrukka" is sujuud. "it means:
" and remember when We made the House (at Mecca) a resort for mankind and sanctuary, and let the place become a place of prayer. And We have enjoined on Abraham and Ishmael, "Purify My House for those who circumambulate, i'tikaf, bowing and prostration." What condition?

QS 24 (56):
"Prayers aqimush Wa wa wa aatuz zakata Athina-ur Rasuula la'alaikum turhamuun."
That is;
"And establish the prayer, remove zakat, follow the messenger, that you may receive mercy." How the law when prayer is not in the House, in essence?

God's Word QS (8) 35:
"Wa maa kaana shalaatuhum 'Indal Baiti illaa mukaa-aw wa fa tashdiyatan dzuuqul' adzabaa bi maa takfuruun bud."
It means:
"And it's not their prayer at the House in effect, others not at whistling and clapping or playing alone. Rasai chastisement because they are infidels." That is how God takes care of "RUH" every human being in Islam.

God's Word QS (17) 85:
"Wa-aluunaka yas 'Rauh NIR qulir ruuhumin amri wa maa Rabbi uutiitum Minal' ilmi qaliilaa illa." Meaning:
"And they ask you about the RUH, say," RUH "It was something my Lord given knowledge but a little." (Not managing science and technology / knowledge).

This was conveyed as consideration, hopefully there are benefits. Respectfully.

Source: Rimanews

musafir-jmi Jambi City Indonesia


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